Ps Star G490 Acrylic Nails Cut

$ 12.00

  • EUR: €11.20
  • GBP: £9.49
  • CAD: C$16.44
  • MXN: MX$216.00
  • BRL: R$66.04
  • COP: COL$49,800.00
  • JPY: ¥1,928

Made of light stainless steel.

  • Size 13cm.
  • Black finish.
  • Super Sharpening.
  • High resistance.
  • Durable sharpening.
  • Perfect Alignment.
  • Product Prémium and lightweight.
  • Modern and ergonomic design.
  • Internal spring adjusted for professional use.

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Nail clippers for acrylic nails, Guillotine type, made of light stainless steel with black finish, modern and ergonomic design, easy to use that allows good control and low resistance, its internal spring is adjusted for continuous use without losing strength and with greater durability . The cutting area is perfectly aligned and has a professional sharpening for a smooth and precise cut.